Black Holes in String Theory PDF
By:Andrea Puhm
Published on 2013 by
In this Thesis, we study black holes and their microscopic properties in extensions of General Relativity that arise as low-energy limits of String Theory. The first question we want to address is how information is released from black holes during evaporation. We make use of quantum information techniques and study information release from qubit systems. We then introduce a general framework to capture the Hawking evaporation process and deduce the constraints unitarity puts on the evolution. This makes the statement of information loss in black hole evaporation more precise and supports the claim that the horizon has to be replaced by a structure, or \\emph{fuzzball}, that carries information about the black hole microstates. This immediately raises the question of what this horizon-scale structure is? We address this question in the context of Supergravity. We systematically construct a family of microstates of near-extremal black holes, by placing metastable supertubes inside certain scaling supersymmetric smooth microstate geometries. These non-extremal fuzzballs differ from the classical black hole solution macroscopically at the horizon scale, and for certain probes the fluctuations between various fuzzballs will be visible as thermal noise far away from the horizon. If the black hole horizon is replaced by a horizon-scale structure one can ask what the experience of an observer falling into such a structure is? A recent, much debated, Gedankenexperiment suggests that an infalling observer will burn at a firewall at the horizon. We rephrase this Gedankenexperiment in the decoherence picture of quantum mechanics and ask about the fate of an infalling wave packet. While wave packets of the size of outgoing Hawking quanta can indeed not freely fall through the horizon-scale structure there is a possibility that the experience of macroscopic infalling observers that strongly interact with the structure can have an alternate description of free fall through the horizon of a black hole. We discuss this recently proposed picture of fuzzball complementarity in detail and test it using our newly constructed near-extremal microstates. A key feature of supersymmetric multi-center solutions, used to construct these near-extremal microstates, is that when brane probes are placed in this background in a supersymmetric way they capture the same information as the fully backreacted Supergravity solution. We investigate whether this non-renormalization property also holds for extremal `almost-BPS' solutions where supersymmetry is broken in a controllable way. We find that despite the lack of supersymmetry, the probe action reproduces exactly the equations underlying the fully back-reacted solution indicating that these equations also do not receive quantum corrections.
This Book was ranked at 14 by Google Books for keyword Black hole.
Book ID of Black Holes in String Theory's Books is xn52oAEACAAJ, Book which was written byAndrea Puhmhave ETAG "VBLvUU5WhCw"
Book which was published by since 2013 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is and ISBN 10 Code is
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